Thursday, August 4

Bank Nifty reaction after Rajya Sabha passes historic GST Constitution Bill

As discussed in Last analysis  Further bearishness can be seen below 18550 for move till 18280/18070. For next 2 days close above 18814 can see fast move till 19000. Bullish above 19158 for move till 19374/19509. Bank Nifty made low of  18542 unable to close below 18550 suggesting market taking breather before the GST Bill drama is out. Now Finally GST has been passed, so as a trader you should not get overexcited and blindly trade. Plan Your Trade and Trade your plan should be golden mantra of trader.  Bank Nifty is bullish above 18750 for another move towards 18915/19000. Bulls need a close above 19158 for target till 19500,Bears below 18550.Bank Nifty still trading near horizontal line suggesting impulsive move on cards. GST Impact on stocks

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