Monday, June 6

Mental Toughness Required by Traders Part-I

The way Novak Djokovic played yesterday to win a Carrer Grand Slam shows the mental strength required at such high level of tennis. On the Similar Grounds a Professional Trader need to develop a High level of Mental strength  to be successful over a period of time.
The current article is from my archives not written by me , Will share the same in 3 parts,.
The mental part of the game. Its an aspect of trading that can easily be ignored, we all choose how we approach this game. Some see failures as opportunities to learn and progress, while others see them as outright failures and road blocks which should be avoided at all costs. Its all about attitude.
I feel that trading should be ‘easy’ It should be effortless and without conflict. If we are going to be in this game for 20+ years. I feel its important to make the experience as easy as we can. We shouldn’t be ‘fighting’ with the market, in the boxing ring, hoping, fearing and stressing.
There is RISK management, but SELF management is equally as important. When we are actively trading the market, we are free to make buy and sell decisions whenever we want. The tough part is consistently making the correct buy/sell decisions. These decisions come with conflict!
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