Thursday, June 2

Mindset Shifts for successful trading

Don’t Chase Trades; Let Them Come to You

If trader win a trade, he try to force another winning trade and mostly lose in second trade. And if trader lose first trade, most of traders try to quickly make back what they lost on the next trade.
This irrational behavior is mostly seen in person who are doing job. All salaried guys  hard-wired to work from 9-6. If we work any less, we somehow feel that we don’t deserve the money we’re making. We believe we must “work hard” to earn a living.
This belief often carries over into trading, and so we “work hard at trading.” We enter trades even when there aren’t any good trades available. We trade for trading’s sake. Then, when our poorly placed trades move against us, that gambler’s fear of loss kicks  and we begin making even more foolish decisions, which compounds our losses.
So Let the good trade come to you, Do not run or rush for the trade.

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